It’s Harder When You Think it Will Be Easy

Natasha Durning
2 min readSep 7, 2024


Stop Lying to your future self

Photo by Bayu Setiawan on Unsplash

I was listening to a wonderful guided walk this week that spoke about the lie that we often tell ourselves when started a habit or going after a goal.

We say that it will be easy

We look at the road ahead and picture a smooth trail in our future.

A walk in the park per say. Funny enough I was actually walking in a park while listening along.

You can’t tell me that you haven’t sat down and planned out your attack on a goal and innocently thought, “Well this will be simple”.

Only to find a week down the road that you’re tired, your boss handed you a last minute deadline and you have no time to get in that workout when you said that you would. Or the dog got sick on the rug and the last thing you can imagine doing after that clean up is make a meal from scratch.

In the thick of your new habits, as you’re attempting to form them, life often sweeps in and f***s it up.

I have this saying… (I even put it on a card)

The thing with sh*t hitting the fan is that it spreads.

It’s so easy for well laid plans to go off the tracks.

Life laughs when we think we’ve got it figured out.

The thing is though. If we were a little more upfront with ourselves out the possibility of pitfalls and rough terrain to come we might also be more prepared.

Prepared to remind ourselves that we can do hard things. That bumps in the road are apart of the adventure to learn from.

We can so easily set ourselves up into giving up fully at the first bump when we haven’t believed there would be one.

It’s okay to fall off course on your journey.

It’s okay to feel like giving up and giving in but it is also important to remember that you can get back up. You can start over or even better start from where you fell.

You’re further down the road already than the last time. You know more. This doesn’t need to be the end. The journey is the joy.



Natasha Durning

Some girl figuring out life. One fall at a time. Writing about life + maybe a few ways to make it more enjoyable.