A Test in Time

Natasha Durning
2 min readAug 31, 2024


20 minutes and I’m Publishing this.

Good Morning, or evening or middle of the day??

Wherever you are or whatever you are doing, I’m glad you’re here.

This is a moment in time that I’m testing myself and wondering how it might go if I keep going?

I’ve read that an hour of focused work is 100x more useful than 5 hours of jumping from project to project. It takes up almost 10 entire minutes to refocus when we move around.

That is So. Much. Time.

I’m thinking about time a lot right now. I work 40 hours each week and struggle to wake up each morning in time. I don’t have a lot of it to throw around anymore.

My days are so much more used up and as a single woman who is mostly introverted I don’t do a lot outside of my house. So really I have a lot more time than many.

And yet it feels like it’s just slipping away. Do you ever feel like that?

Where do the minutes, hours, and days go?

So, what can be produced in 20 minutes if I give it my all?

No other things needed. Can I write something half decent?

Maybe read a chapter and take notes of a book I want to learn from.

Move my body in a meaningful way.

Relax with some meditation and light reading just for the joy of it.

A lot can be done in a dedicated 20 minute time frame.

And that is what I hope to learn for myself. If I keep showing up for them and maybe even grow that finite amount of time to something larger.

Have you ever really thought about what you could do in 20 minutes?

At this point I’d suggest a notebook and a pen or even the notes app on your phone.

Take just 5 minutes and start writing out what you could do with 20 minutes of dedicated time.

Whether you could get a page written of the book you started writing and have been putting off.

Or you could call someone you love and miss to catch up.

What can you come up with?

Maybe it’s a lot. Maybe it’s a little.

You might find this exercise difficult or easy, draining even when it’s hard to imagine for yourself.

Do this once. Then next week do it again.

Carve out 20 minutes and try something, see how it feels. See what you accomplish.

Can you find calm in 20 minutes of silence?

Keep Trying

This isn’t a race. This is maybe a test though, with yourself.

Keep trying 20 minutes of activities. Different things, see how they feel.

You never know what it might lead to.



Natasha Durning

Some girl figuring out life. One fall at a time. Writing about life + maybe a few ways to make it more enjoyable.